PanzerFight - Two player Action Game (Java Game) For Any OS

multi player Tank fight game free download for Windows Linux MAC and Solaris in Java Greenfoot platform mines shoot
PanzerFight is an interesting two player game for PC. The game is played between two players on same computer (can be on same keyboard). Each player controls a tank. The tanks can plant land mines or fire each other. Ammunition and health are supplied at times. The game is interesting since it is a multi player game. This multiplayer shooting game is supported on, Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac etc. The game is developed in Java platform (using Greenfoot). JRE (Java Run time Environment) is a prerequisite to run this game.
The Greenfoot project source code is also added here for those who are interested. Requirements: OS: Windows/Linux/MAC/Solaris jre (Java runtime environment) 1.8 or higher Free Download the game Download (Greenfoot Project) Source Code

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