Plane Shooter Game for PC -Java Game Project with Source code

tank shoot down bomber planes free java game Multi level using Greenfoot .Plane Shooter is a single player lightweight Java game for Computers. It is a 2D game that works well even on  low end computers. The game size is only a few Kilobytes. You play as a tank and shoot down planes and what they drop. The game is in 7 or more levels. This is my first complete Greenfoot project. The source code of this game is also uploaded for those who want to see.
Requirements: OS: Windows/Linux/MAC/Solaris jre (Java runtime environment) 1.8 or higher RAM: 256 or higher CPU: 2 GHz or higher Download the game Download Greebfoot Project Source code.

Wanna Play Lightweight Two Player PanzerFight (Tank Fight) Game? Click Me.

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