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Showing posts with label numbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label numbers. Show all posts

Java Program to Display Multiplication Tables of All Number from 1 to 10

This is  a java program to display multiplication tables of all number from 1 to 10. To see java program to display multiplication table of given number only, see this program:
Program to Display Multiplication Table of Given Number
public class Multiples{

public static void main(String[] args)
int i,j;
        System.out.printf("%d*%d=%d  ",i,j,i*j);



1*1= 1 1*2= 2 1*3= 3 1*4= 4 1*5= 5 1*6= 6 1*7= 7 1*8= 8 1*9= 9 1*10=10
2*1= 2 2*2= 4 2*3= 6 2*4= 8 2*5=10 2*6=12 2*7=14 2*8=16 2*9=18 2*10=20
3*1= 3 3*2= 6 3*3= 9 3*4=12 3*5=15 3*6=18 3*7=21 3*8=24 3*9=27 3*10=30
4*1= 4 4*2= 8 4*3=12 4*4=16 4*5=20 4*6=24 4*7=28 4*8=32 4*9=36 4*10=40
5*1= 5 5*2=10 5*3=15 5*4=20 5*5=25 5*6=30 5*7=35 5*8=40 5*9=45 5*10=50
6*1= 6 6*2=12 6*3=18 6*4=24 6*5=30 6*6=36 6*7=42 6*8=48 6*9=54 6*10=60
7*1= 7 7*2=14 7*3=21 7*4=28 7*5=35 7*6=42 7*7=49 7*8=56 7*9=63 7*10=70
8*1= 8 8*2=16 8*3=24 8*4=32 8*5=40 8*6=48 8*7=56 8*8=64 8*9=72 8*10=80
9*1= 9 9*2=18 9*3=27 9*4=36 9*5=45 9*6=54 9*7=63 9*8=72 9*9=81 9*10=90
10*1=10 10*2=20 10*3=30 10*4=40 10*5=50 10*6=60 10*7=70 10*8=80 10*9=90 10*10=100